Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wow, didn't realize it has been so long since I posted.I will try to catch up if I can still remember where I left off! I guess the biggest change in my fishing life has been because i stopped working my two day a week screen printing job. Also Sam , fishing partner , went back to trucking and working full time. My other fishing buddy, Nguyen, has fridays off, but will be changing jobs soon. Also I have been getting my physical and mental health in order ,since I turned 65, yeah I know, old fart. I have been seeing and involved with the VA. Never thought I would have anything to do with the government and military again. Anyway, I have had a banner year fishing! Since last fall I concentrated on fishing the Jensen Beach, Stuart area with occasional paddles locally at Boynton around the inlet. No ocean fishing, I would much rather go offshore in a boat, than a yak. Okay, caught lot's of nice seatrout in the Indian River last fall, didn't really document the catches, but had a freezer full of trout all winter. I'll start with January, January 2. I fished stuart causeway, north side, trout, spanish mackerel, pompano and24 and 22 inch redfish! Was excited to catch the Reds, for me they have been elusive. Rapala flatraps, went out a bought a bunch on sale! Then kept trying but no more Reds, but lots of nice trout. Happy catching them and had some really nice days fishing with Nguyen, my brother Stan visited and we caught lots of Bluefish, but no trout. Went to the Keys with Jimmy, Nguyen , and Jimmy's brothers for his 40th birthday, fished and partied, caught some big Kings. Had some good local offshore adventures, Kings, Cobia, Mahi, and Sailfish. All on Nguyen's and Jimmy's boats. March and April the weather sucked , lots of wind, still caught good trout. Would go where we could get out of the wind. Met Jerry McBride on the river one day, took some trout pictures for him, he gave me some new D.O.A. shrimps. Next trip got 30, 28, and 26 inch trouts! After that started to fish Macarthur Park because of the winds, and started to score Snook! In four outings got 17 snook including 4 slot fish up to 31 inches! Fished Boynton canal and got another two, 24 inches! I was also catching big trout and jacks, REDHOT! Even got one snook  in the Lox river. Needless to say I am on a roll, Okay, here is another high point, last day of open season,dropped wife at airport,paddled to Boynton spillway,where day before i dropped three snook, couldn't get the slot fish I was hoping for but got personal best, 22 pound, 40 inch monster!! Had audience(Danny Barrow and client), 12 lb. test, great fight! Okay, now we are up to date, will try to keep posting, and will add some pix. Want to try for that Tarpon on yak next!

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